PromQL Cheat Sheet


Health of a Service

The health of a Service can be characterized in the same way as the human needs by Maslow:




Gauges are numbers that go up or down like CPU utilization or number of customers


Counters are numbers that increase over time and never decrease like number ob bytes sent by a network device or the number of logins.


A Historgram is a (graphical) frequency distribution (Häufigkeitsverteilung) of a dataset. The first step is to bucket the range of values and then count observations. The result are multiple metrics: one for each bucket.


The USE Method

This is for host-level monitoring For every resource check

  • Utilization percentage the resource is busy

  • Saturation how much work is queued

  • Errors the count of error events

The Google Four Golden Signals

This is for application monitoring (From the SRE Book)

  • Latency The time taken for a request

  • Traffic requests or transactions per second

  • Errors the rate that requests fail, like HTTP 500

  • Saturation the “fullness” of the applications resources like memory or IO.


A Source of metrics that is scraped is called an endpoint. To scrape an endpoint a configuration called target is needed. A group of targets is called a job e.g. a cluster of apache servers.

Data Model


A time series is identified by its name and labels. But the name is also a label called __name__

There are instrumentation labels which are added at the source before scraping and target labels which are added by Prometheus during and after the scrape.

There are two types of target relabeling: relabel_configs happens before the scrape and metric_relabel_configs happens after the scrape.


A value in a time series is called a sample. It consists of:

  • A float64 value
  • A millisecond-precision timestamp


CPU utilization percent

100 - avg(irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{job="node",mode="idle"}[5m])) by (instance) * 100

Is load 2 times greater than number of cpus ?

node_load1 > on (instance) 2 * count by (instance) (node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"})

Memory percent used

(node_memory_MemTotal_bytes - (node_memory_MemFree_bytes + node_memory_Cached_bytes + node_memory_Buffers_bytes)) / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes * 100

Rate of paging in and out of memory

1024 * sum by (instance) ( rate(node_vmstat_pgpgin[1m]) + rate(node_vmstat_pgpgout[1m]))

Disk usage percent

(node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/"} - node_filesystem_free_bytes{mountpoint="/"} ) / node_filesystem_size_bytes{mountpoint="/"} * 100

Predict linear

predict_linear(node_filesystem_free_bytes{mountpoint="/"}[1h], 4*3600)

Vector match

node_systemd_unit_state{name="docker.service"} == 1 and on (instance, job) metadata{datacenter="NJ"}



In order to track request rate and latency a Summary metric is used which creates the two time series sum and count.

Request rate:



rate(request_processing_seconds_sum[1m]) / rate(request_processing_seconds_count[1m])

While the summary provides total request_count and latency_sum, it also calculates configurable quantiles over a sliding time window. This is called client-side percentiles. These provide some level of insight but are non-aggregable across dimensions.


A histogram with a base metric name of <basename> exposes multiple time series during a scrape:

  • cumulative counters for the observation buckets, exposed as <basename>_bucket{le="<upper inclusive bound>"}

  • the total_sum of all observed values, exposed as <basename>_sum

  • the count of events that have been observed, exposed as <basename>_count (identical to <basename>_bucket{le="+Inf"})

If your service runs replicated with a number of instances, you will collect request durations from every single one of them, and then you want to aggregate everything into an overall 95th percentile. However, aggregating the precomputed quantiles from a summary rarely makes sense. In this particular case, averaging the quantiles yields statistically nonsensical values:

avg(http_request_duration_seconds{quantile="0.95"}) // BAD!

Using histograms, the aggregation is perfectly possible with the histogram_quantile() function.

histogram_quantile( 0.95, sum(rate(http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{status="200"}[5m])) by (container_name, uri, le)) // GOOD.